Pargee Project (HREE)

1.8kms of Killi Killi unconformity is striking through Pargee Project, host of ASX: PVW’s recent REE discovery.
Project highlights
- The Pargee project is prospective for heavy rare earths and located adjacent to PWV Resources (ASX:PVW), 30kms from their Watts Rise heavy rare earth discovery
- Highly prospective geological architecture to host unconformity rare earth deposits with Major discoveries proximal to Pargee Project
- The contact between the Pargee Sandstone and the Killi Killi Formation is a regional-scale unconformity considered prospective for hydrothermal unconformity-related rare earth mineralisation

Highly Prospective Geological Architecture to Host Unconformity REE Deposits.
The contact between the Pargee Sandstone and the Killi Killi Formation is a regional-scale unconformity which is considered prospective for hydrothermal unconformity-related REE mineralisation. This important geological unconformity has been mapped by GSWA to extend for 1.8km through The Pargee Project. Exploration programs will target faults and structures that transect this regional unconformity that may have potentially acted as conduits for mineralised fluids.