Bubalus has been established with a strong Board and management team with the skills and experience required to create value for shareholders.


Executive Chairman

Mr Pismiris has over 30 years of experience in the securities, finance and mining industries.

Mr Pismiris completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at UWA, is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a fellow of The Governance Institute of Australia. Other current directorships include Agrimin Limited, Sunshine Gold Limited, The Market Herald Limited and Pacton Gold Inc (TSX-V).


Non Executive Director

Mr Oliver is a geologist with over 20 years of experience in the resources industry.

Mr Oliver has served as director of a number of ASX listed companies and is familiar with the requirements of the ASX Listing Rules and the JORC Code. He’s a member of the AusIMM and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and holds an honours degree in Geology from the UWA, as well as a post-graduate diploma in finance and investment from FINSIA.


Managing Director

Mr Borg is a geologist who has specialised in the battery minerals sector and has identified numerous successful projects in an investment and/or management and operational capacity.

Mr Borg has 28 years’ experience in mineral exploration, resource development, mining operations and executive management in a wide variety of mineral commodities and jurisdictions.

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CFO and Company Secretary

Ms. Ross is an accounting and corporate governance professional with over 20 years’ experience in financial accounting and analysis, audit, business and corporate advisory in Australia.

Anthea Acomb

Joint Company Secretary

Ms Acomb is a Chartered Accountant with over 7 years’ experience in the areas of accounting, external audit and corporate governance. Ms Acomb has a Bachelor of Commerce and Graduate Diploma in Applied Corporate Governance & Risk Management.